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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our Democrats need a dose of....Don't understand how you vote for an unjust war, then vote for a deadline on the war as a means of demonstrating disappoval for same. And to make things worse, you load the bill with billions in pork. This is the problem with Dems. Their moral compass sometimes points in all directions at the same time. What's not being said is that Dems mostly agree with Republicans on the moral case for this war. I am not an expert by any means, but the asymmetrical nature of today's conflict is clear. The Dems would face the same fundamental problem if they were in power: how to fight people who are "not like us"."Don't worry", we are told, "we knew when we voted for the deadline that the President would veto the bill...so the pork loading dosen't really matter."The lack of a clear moral stance from the Dems on this war is troubling. And it is time to imagine the very near future. How will they prosecute this war? It will likely be around when they take power?The President is screwing things up royally. What is our plan?

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